Saturday, July 25, 2009

Which do you think is the best sporting event?

For me, I'm going to pick the Winter Olympics for the following reasons:

1) It has mutliple sports.

2)All the sports are adventurous(even in curling you are still sliding on the ice with shoes which is similar to roller blading at a slow speed).

3) The sports are not seen on a regular basis.

4)The best moment in sports took place during the Winter Olympics(Miracle on Ice).

5) The Winter Olympics is generous enough to open the bobsled, luge, speedskating, ice skating venues that were used for the 1980 Olympics(Lake Placid) and 2002 Olympics(Park City Utah) to the public.

Which do you think is the best sporting event?
i would have to agree with you on one thing. bobsledding is probably one of the best sports out there. Im a driver and have won countless number of medals and waiting until the end to see if i won or not is always an intence time. from a drivers standpoint, so much can go wrong durring a run. If there i but a single grain of sand on the track and your the lucky one to hit it, that could cost you about .02 of a second. ive lost races by .01 of a second. every little fraction of a second counts from the push start at the top, to navigating the turns to the finish. John Morgan, TV comentator always says that if a sled is behind by .1 of a second at the start, they will be behind by .5 of a second at the finish. Its great too because the cleanist prettiest runs arnt always the greatest and some one who has what looks like a really bad run could end up winning the event. The sport is just so unpredictable that it makes it great.
Reply:winter olympics and chicago bears football.
Reply:although I'm a diehard football fan I'm going to have to pick the summer olympics becasuse the diving totally amazes me and I'm a track girl so I appreciate it when I see them that good. It totally humbles me.
Reply:Good call, I enjoy them too,

my favorite is the Iditarod, I know it is a single event but I really enjoy it.

Second for me is rodeo.

Ha, now that I look at it, I think animals are my favorite athletes. LOL

I have never been able to sit down and watch an entire football game in TV, I go to sleep every time, but I love going to college football games GO GRIZ!!!
Reply:The best sport is athletics, that is track and field.

It is the original sport, all others came from this one sport.

It is the focus of the summer Olympics.

In all other sports the athletes run to get into shape.

In some sports officials determine the winner, in track it is who gets to the finish first we don't have to listen to someone explain the points awarded for artistic interpretation.
Reply:summer olympics because it has gymnastics and the superbowl =]


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