Friday, July 31, 2009

Math logic questions?

can you help with these?

1) The phone company has 25 computer controlled switching systems. Each system handles 700,000 calls an hour. Each system works correctly 95% of the time. How many calls WOULD NOT BE CORRECTLY handled in one 24 hour period, assuming each of the 25 systems was running at maximum capacity at all times?

2) If you got a 40% discount on a $159 pair of sport shoes and 20% off a $200 set of roller blades, what was the percent discount on the total purchase (assuming no taxes are involved)?

3) Five teams are playing in a tournament. Each teams plays each other team only one time. How many games will be played in all?

4) Can a farmer put 9 ostriches in 4 pens so that there is an odd number of ostriches in each pen and so that each pen has at least one ostrich?

5) What African animal do math teachers like best.

p.s. If you see that someone puts down an answer, don't just copy it becuz you think it's better than urs. Do what you think the answer is.

Math logic questions?
1. multiply 700,000 and 25 to get 17,500,000 total calls an hour now multiply 17,500,000 by 5% .05 X 17,500,000 = 875000 so 875,000 calls are not correctly handeled each hour so multiply this by 24 to get how many are not correctly handeled in a day 875,000X24 =

ANSWER 21,000,000 calls are not correclty each day

2. find 40% of $159 so .4 X $159 =$63.60

now find 20% of $200 so .2X200=$40

ANswer you saved $103.60 total now add what you would have spent with out the discount to get $359 so

$103.60/$359 = .2886 so

ANSWER %28.86 percent on total purchase was saved

3. teams: A B C D E


Answer 10 games

4. idk are you putting half an ostritch in a pen that would be 18 ostritches in 4.5 or if you keep them whole ostritches 2.25 thus these numbers are not necessarily odd they are only not whole so i guess your answer would be yes but im not 100 sure

5. idk if you think about it long enough youll figure it out
Reply:1. 875,000 calls

2. 28.85%

3. 10 games

4. No, it's impossible

5. Cheetah
Reply:1. 21 M (21,000,000) calls

2. idk

3. 10 games

4. No

5. idk


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