Monday, April 20, 2009

Why doesn't Target ban those heelys (shoes with roller skates on them)?

They are mega annoying. Kids are flying around cornors...not looking where they are going. Their parents don%26#039;t care. It%26#039;s a huge liability issue. Somebody is going to get hurt. Why doesn%26#039;t Target ban them?

Why doesn%26#039;t Target ban those heelys (shoes with roller skates on them)?
I agree with you. They run into things and other people. I saw a kid the other day fall ova with them on and the mum just stood there while the child was crying and knee bleeding. It is a HUGE liability, they ban things that are less dangerous so maybe write to target get the word out there
Reply:It%26#039;s no different than a child running in a store. They%26#039;re not supposed to do it, but does Target really want to lose all the profits from a family because they %26quot;ban%26quot; a child who wears Heely%26#039;s in the store?

Generally speaking, most retail stores would not have a problem having a security guard or manager ask a child not to roll around in the store.

But, %26quot;banning%26quot;? That%26#039;s a little extreme, don%26#039;t you think?

Reply:Just run into them. They%26#039;re little kids not paying attention and then yell at their parents for letting their kids run into you.
Reply:Because they are a ton of fun. It%26#039;s a battle they can%26#039;t win anyway. Like they are going to hire people to police that. My daughter has never fallen down while wearing them. She has never collided with anyone or with a display. She puts them on only when we go to a store. Makes my shopping easier. She is conscious of people. You should see her fly down an empty aisle. So funny. She will always remember the fun she has with them. You only live once. : )


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